Many corporations are track and field on the blogging style. It's heavy that the total mechanism knows the rules and inside policies of your web log. The answers to these questions will find which commercial rules decide the functionality of any firm journal.
1. Who can situation entries on the blog?
2. Who can forward observations on the blog?
3. What kinds of happy are allowed on the blog?
a. Text
b. Images
Few records:
c. Audio
d. Video
e. Surveys
f. Quizzes
g. Animation
h. Links
i. Advertisements
j. HTML content
k. Animation
l. PDFs
m. Blogroll
4. What nature of jovial is allowed in comments?
a. Text
b. Images
c. Audio
d. Video
e. Surveys
f. Quizzes
g. Animation
h. Links
i. Advertisements
j. HTML content
k. Animation
l. PDFs
5. Will postings be reviewed and voted for back posting?
6. Will annotations be reviewed and certified back posting?
7. Will an head have the flair to delete postings after they have been published?
8. Will an top dog have the knack to take interpretation after they have been published?
9. Will an RSS feed of the Blog be made available?
10. What are the info fields for the blog?
a. Date
b. Title
c. Body
d. Profile
i. Name
ii. Location
iii. Description
11. Will within be an archive?
12. Will diary entries be archived by month?
13. Which fields will be reachable for the journal entry?
a. Title - key term of the post,
b. Body - fundamental complacent of the post,
c. Comments - observations more by readers
d. Category (or tags) - family the mail is labeled near (optional, fourfold categories mathematical)
e. Permalink - the URL of the full, private article
f. Post Date - twenty-four hours and instance the dispatch was published
g. Trackback - course rear legs from different sites
* List of web log comedian from Wikipedia
One message:
14. How will the journal deal beside spammers?
15. Would you like-minded persuaded oral communication to be reflexively filtered? This can profession in two ways. See down.
a. We can use a set catalogue of common profanities. If a vocalization is nearly new in either a web log or a comment, the entryway will not create to the land site.
b. We can snap you the skill to physical type a detail manually and news the enumerate whenever a new bad word comes to nous.